Sunday, November 15, 2015

Ireland Pilgrimage - Sunday 8 Nov 2015

We were greeted on this last day of our pilgrimage with a steady, blowing rain. We have had such great weather for the past 10 days, we were kind of hoping to escape on this last day, but such was not to be.  

We were told of the row houses popular in Dublin and that this one, due to the most ornate door, was the most photographed door in Dublin.  The rain spots on the bus window attest to the weather!

Glendalough (literally - the valley of two lakes) is a very well preserved early monastic comunity
Our first stop was the Visitor Center - a modern building with a great video and many informative static displays

Information on the early monastic life in Ireland

This cross preserved from the weather, rear side . . .

. . . and front

This great diorama gave an idea what the community was like when it was active - as early as the 6th or 7th century

The Round Tower is explained in this graphic
A representation of te monastic "cell"

We listened to our guide in the warm, dry visitor center . . .

. . .  and then ventured forth!  The wind whipped the rain and made umbrellas of limited usefulness.

This stream runs just next to the hotel and restaurant, next to the gate to the ancient site

The Round Tower

The church

Church interior

Another smaller church along with many graves

We could just see one of the lakes

We spent only about 20 minutes in the rain before heading for the warmth (and dryness) of the Hotel Restaurant

Barbara, Joni, Dianne, Kevin & Dori relax over a cuppa hot stuff

We boarded our buses for a short trip up the hill to the Church of St Kevin

Mass was celebrated by Bishop Hying for the final time in our trip.  At the end of his homily, Fr Jim gave an emotional tribute to Bishop Hying, who had come from Milwaukee.

The organ is squeezed into the corner of the church . . .

. . .  with this cubbyhole for the organist to slide into

The Stations of the Cross were all paintings and very beautiful

Outside there were shrines to Our Lady of Lourdes . . . 

. . . and to St Terese of Lisieux

Once back in Dublin, we had a short time to change into dry  clothes and head out for our farewell dinner at The Merry Ploughman, a pub on the outskirts of Dublin

I had a shank of lamb and it was quite tasty!

The group enjoyed each others company for the last time - at least on the pilgrimage

Andy came up with the hat and beard and entertained the group - here with Reeny and Bob . . .

. . .  here with Bishop Hying

Lots of singing and swaying with the music of The Merry Ploughmen

Ballads and some uniquely Irish music with some one of a kind musical instruments. Think Irish Kingston Trio (plus one)

They got several members of the audience up on stage

We were entertained by Irish dancers doing both soft dance and step dance. Here Bob & Theresa pose with the dancers after the show.

On the way back to the hotel, Kevin Doolin entertained us with Irish folk songs and jokes
 Tomorrow - We will ride to the airport with the group as they prepare to head home to Chicago. 
We will head East to Edinburgh (pronounced Edinburra) for a short holiday (then up to Kirkwall to see our son!)
So stay tuned!

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