Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Crossing the Equator! Oct 3

Crossing the Equator - Bob & Theresa become "Trusty Shellbacks"

On Oct 3, the ship crossed "the line" at 9:45PM. It was arranged to be at that time and we putted along at 10 knots all day so we would be at the equator at the right time. As we crossed, the ship gave three long blasts from the ship's whistle (actually a very deep pitched horn).
They announced that King Neptune would appear to judge us as we crossed the line.

We are at the late seating for dinner so when we arrived on the 9th (Lido) deck, the crowd was heavy. We looked around and saw a large group of Australian teens sitting on the deck right next to the roped off area where the trials would occur. We asked and they "scrunched" together to make room for us. So we ended up with "ring-side" seats.

We could see a large inflatable pool near the stage and some seats on the stage.

Soon, the Captain, Bridge Officers and King Neptune arrived, accompanied by the Queen and her court of mermaids. They also had a prosecutor to judge the "Slimy Pollywogs," Pirates who acted as guards for the pollywogs, and a medical staff of doctors and nurses.

One by one, the pollywogs were brought forward and tried! One by one they were thrown into the "Pool of Despair" and covered with ground up garbage from the days meals (it was all fresh enough to eat but was the consistency and color of pea soup).

I took videos of the ceremony, so have limited number of stills until I get somewhere where I can extract stills from the video.
Bottom line, we did not have to stand trial but still received certificates proclaiming is as "Trusty Shellbacks!"


Tomorrow - More life at sea aboard a cruise ship.

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