I built these in three sections (with a great deal of help from my son David - especially in the assembly phase and the carry-up-from-the-basement phase.
(An entertainment center to hold our receiver, CD player, etc. will be built to sit next to the bookcase on the right.)
I decided to use "dental" style molding at the top and cove grooved side molding.
My son Dave helped me design a fixture to do the "dental" pattern on the table saw.
The cove groove was done on my router with it mounted into a router table.
I made everything from poplar (Indiana State tree!) which my good friend Terry Pavlack helped me haul home from Indiana Hardwoods in Martinsville.
I was immensely relieved and pleased when the three units "married" together perfectly!
For back lighting, we used indirect lighting from an LED "rope" light which is installed in a channel cut in each side support. The light "bounces" off a slanted piece of wood onto the back piece - all painted flat white. In the basement, the overhead lights were pretty bright so I was concerned how well the window would show up - but as you can see, it shows up very well indeed!
The four glass shelves were made to my exact size dimensions by Hoosier Glass on the east side of Indy. They did a wonderful job and the shelves fit perfectly!
The dark blue panel at the bottom says "In Memory of Art and Betty Siefker"
My wonderful wife said "Since there is the dedication panel there, why don't we put photos of your Mom & Dad on one of the shelves!
Of course, the glass shelves are used to display some of the many religious statuary that we have accumulated over the years. The bookcases hold our collection of Bible study and other books that help us better understand our faith.
We've invited our parish priest, Fr Vince Lampert to come over soon to bless this "shrine" since it is the place we intend to do our daily devotions.
Hope you all have a great Christmas!
This is my gift to my family!